Saturday, October 25, 2008

People I Sort of Wanted to Smack Today

(Title and theme 100% plagiarized from Amy's blog, but it's SUCH a great idea!)

People I sort of wanted to smack today:

My husband, who left to go to a Gator game and took MY CAMERA with him, leaving me to take those once-a-year-they'll-never-be-this-age-again pumpkin patch photos with my old Olympus that is - literally - held together with scotch tape.

My son, who lay screaming and flailing on the carpeted floor of the roller skating rink because he changed his mind and didn't want to do the lesson I had just paid for.

The stupid little girl in roller skates who not only ran Karlin over once, but also ran over my foot with her skates. And never apologized.

The stupid little boy at the Fall Festival who was beating everyone in the pony ride line with his balloon sword. Actually - change that. I really wanted to smack his MOTHER instead, for doing nothing to stop him.

My son, for laying on the sidewalk screaming and flailing because I removed him from the playground for throwing sand.

People I really didn't want to smack at all today:

Amy, who sent me an email that 1) stated exactly what I was thinking, and 2) made me laugh.

The skating instructor, who realized that Chase was having a "thing", and wisely decided to give him - and me - a little room and a little time.

The driver of the train at the Fall Festival, who let my kids ride twice.

My husband, for coming home with wings and cheese fries.

My husband, for putting in the fabulous pool and hot tub that I so enjoyed swimming in with my family for 2 hours tonight.

The people who organized the Jamaican Jam fest 1/2 mile from my house, providing me with glorious free live reggae music all evening. Great acoustics from the pool...

Go Rays. Go Gators. Stupid people suck.

1 comment:

amy said...

LMAO - I just saw this. I still have to tell you about the bizarre dream I had about your pool.

And I've eaten like, 6 bananas this week and haven't lost an ounce. Go figure. Perhaps I'll share that with the people at the WW meeting today. Yep, I'm goin' back in ... eek.