Friday, May 28, 2010

Failure with a Capital F

My exercise for 25 days plan..well, didn't really happen. I did really, really well for the first 3 days. Day #3 was a session from hell with the Wii Active lady. She made me do approximately 2 million squats, and 1 million lunges. The result being that I could barely move for 2 days. I seriously didn't start feeling back to normal for 4 days. So I started over on day #8. But then Tuesday I had to work, and Bart was out of town, so there was no one to watch the kids so I could go exercise. Wednesday it just didn't happen. Thursday was a repeat performance of Tuesday. (This whole working thing interferes with my life of leaisure, damn it!) Today I could have fit in a workout, but I decided to give myself a rare treat and go see a movie with some friends. I feel like I should get partial credit for only having a diet coke, and not eating any popcorn or snacks.

So this year, I was going to get all fit for a) my Soroity 20 year reunion; b) my 12th annual 28th birthday; and c) the trip to Mexico.

So far I have accomplished Nada. Although I am down about 10-12 pounds from the beginning of the year, it's still no where near where I had hoped to be.

So I get to look forward to dodging all pictures while in Mexico, and being all self-conscious about how I look in a bathing suit. I wish I had more self discipline. I wish I had less ass. I wish I had gluten issues.

Mexico is in exactly 14 days. Although I spent some time in CVS today looking over the various lose-weight-really-fast options (If you know of one that really works on the short-term, let me know please!), I didn't buy anything. I figure I could probably put that $40 to better use.

I wonder how you say Failure in Spanish?

1 comment:

amy said...

Screw it! It's your party, who cares how you look in a bathing suit? Have fun and drink margaritas! Just think - if you'd lost a bunch of weight before the trip, you'd always have in the back of your mind, "damn, I hope I don't regain all that weight." This way you can just relax and have fun. You look great, so forget about it!