Monday, May 17, 2010

25 Days of Exercise

So I turned 40 last week. 40 doesn't look like I had hoped it would. The one bright spot is that MEXICO is only 25 days away.

Since realizing that I won't loose any significant amount of weight in the next 25 days, I came up with a plan B. If I can't LOSE it, maybe I can beat it into submission so that it will look a little different.

So today I embark on my 25 days of exercise. I plan to do something - at least 30 minutes of it - every single day until I get on that damned plane.

Day #1 (today) consisted of 30 minutes on the treadmill, and 20 minutes on the elliptical. I was forced to exercise inside (which I hate) because of the rain. But at least day #1 is done.

I hope to update every few days just to document my progress.

This goal is furthered by the mean, extremely over-weight nurse at my Cardiologist's office who gave me a hard time about gaining a little weight since my last visit. That cow can bite me - I mean, she easily weighed 300+ pounds. What in the hell is she doing working at a CARDIOLOGIST'S office anyway?

And speaking of the Cardiologist's office...I find it extremely ironic how many people stand or sit outside the doors frantically puffing on their cigarettes. I mean...seriously. Some of them are in wheelchairs and on respirators! Get a CLUE you idiots!

OK. Enough of that rant. I'm off to prepare to insult and berate some PTA Board members for making idiotic decisions. Oh the fun that is being me.

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