Thursday, April 9, 2009


Ooo! I have "Followers"! I didn't even know what that was, so I added the "gadget" and voila! "Followers" appear! I feel so powerful. Like Jesus. OK, maybe not Jesus. Who is that crazy motivational speaker guy? Tony Robbins? Maybe I feel like Tony Robbins. Or maybe Billy Graham. People follow me. I have "followers."

Don't worry. I won't let it go to my head. All I have to do is go try on bathing suits and I'll crash right back down to earth. I'm not even that sure that I look better than Tony Robbins or Billy Graham in a bathing suit.

Maybe you guys shouldn't follow too close...

Postscript: I initially had the name "Tony Little" in there, but as my 1 comment shows, Tony Little is the exercise infomercial guy. Tony ROBBINS is the motivational speaker guy. Hope no one stops following me.

1 comment:

Therese said...

Yeah you've got followers! Admirers of the tongue tied, un-elloquent,think-they-should-be able-to-write, but can't-hold-a thought-for-more-than-a-second type admirer-ers. So keep writing.

BTW,Tony Little is the exercise gazelle infomercial guy. Do you mean Tony Robbins , aka Banana Hands?