Monday, March 16, 2009

Top 10 Movie Quotes

So, if you're on Facebook, then you might have seen the little Top 10 Movie quotes thingie going around. You post your favorite 10 movie quotes, and people try to guess what they are. I have spent the better part of 2 days narrowing down and perfecting my list. It's really hard to come up with ONLY 10, and I DO NOT need IMDB to get my quotes.

Unfortunately, Facebook decided to get a "new look", and the Movie Quotes thingie has vanished. Bastards.

So, since I put soooooooo much time and thought and effort into them, here they are. (I'll put the movie at the bottom, in case you can't guess.) In no particular order:

* "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go though life, son."

* "It's da shooze."

* "Oh great! You've killed the invisible swordsman!"

* "You can always trust the dishonest ones to be dishonest. It's the honest ones you have to worry about."

* "Rabbit is wise. Rabbit is good."

* "You. Shall. Not. Pass!"

* "I'm your Huckelberry."

* "Give me the big knife." "I won't do it Johnny!"

* "Boomchacalacalaca. Boomchacalacalaca...why did the chicken cross the road? To get from the left to the right!"

* "My name's not f*$#*ng Warren!"

And, the answers are:

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go though life, son." - Deam Wormer, Animal House
* "It's da shooze." Agador Sparticus, The Bird Cage
* "Oh great! You've killed the invisible swordsman!" Dusty Bottoms, The Three Amigos
* "You can always trust the dishonest ones to be dishonest. It's the honest ones you have to worry about." Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of The Black Pearl
* "Rabbit is wise. Rabbit is good." Rabbit, Twister
* "You. Shall. Not. Pass!" Ganfalf, LOTR Fellowship of the Ring
* "I'm your Huckelberry." Doc, Tombstone
* "Give me the big knife." "I won't do it Johnny!" Ronny & co-worker, Moonstruck
* "Boomchacalacalaca. Boomchacalacalaca...why did the chicken cross the road? To get from the left to the right!" The entire company, Stripes
* "My name's not f*$#*ng Warren!" Warren, Empire Records

These are some of my all-time, absolute favorite movies. If you haven't seen them, check them out. I'd be hard-pressed to pick my favorite one or two. (Notice - no sappy romances or freakin' Oscar movies- Moonstruck excepted. No "English Patient" here. Hmmmm....a reflection of my personality and character? Very likely...)


amy said...

sadly, I only got three of those. I'm sure you can guess which three (keeping in mind that the LOTR quote is kind of generic when taken out of context).

amy said...

Hey, and what about "you stole her, you damn thief."?