Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Year, A New List

If you've been reading this blog for the past year, then you remember the "Bucket List" post last January. (If not, you can look it up in the archives - I can't figure out how to post a link...) Last year I followed my friend's advice and made a whopper resolutions list that Bart calls my "Bucket List." The object is to put a whole lotta stuff on there, and then you've upped your odds of actually knocking some of the things off the list.

So how did I do? Just OK. I had 40 things on my list last year, ranging from "Go canoeing" to "Get a tattoo" to "Read at least 1 non-kid book a month." Of the 40, I scratched 9 things off the list. Those were:

* Catch up with old friends (Thank you, Facebook!)
* Get involved in charitable endeavors (JDRF Walk in March)
* Go to at least 1 Gator Game (vs. Citadel in November)
* Go see a sunset at the beach (Treasure Island, June)
* Label all video tapes (these are the little video tapes that go in the camcorder, and I finished them!)
* Take an airboat ride (Cherry Pocket in December)
* See fireworks (THREE times at Disney in July)
* Park 2 cars in the garage (after a good cleaning early in the year, we've managed this most of the time...)
* Read at least 1 non-kid book a month. Done and then some.
I had 2 more that are "iffy":
* Go Camping (I technically did this at Girl Scout Camp Training in Sept, although it wasn't what I originally intended when I wrote the list. Does it still count?)
* See a shuttle launch (again, technically I did. We saw a night launch from a big field at a school event. However, I originally meant to see one from Cape Canaveral. Does it count?)

So I hover somewhere just above the 20% mark - not too too bad I guess. So on to Bucket List 2009! I will probably move most of the 2008 list over. Is it fair to put something on there that you know you are already going to do? Probably not. Leave it to me to try to cheat on a New Year's resolutions list.

So Happy New Year everyone! Get started on your own bucket list - but wait for a day when the weather is really crappy. No need to waste a beautiful day (like today - 80 and sunny in Tampa) making lists (or blog posts...)

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