Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Am Evil - He He He

Last night, I was making a desperate attempt to get somewhat caught up on laundry. This basically involved me folding laundry at 11 pm, and then sneaking into my kid's rooms to try to put the clothes away in the dark.

This evening after his bath, my son aid "Hey! Why is there a pajama shirt in with my underwear?" (so that's where that shirt went!) Anyway, without missing a beat, I said "I dunno - maybe the Underpants Gnomes put it there."

Don't ask my why - after a good 8 year hiatus from any sort of SouthPark (except for the one where Mel Gibson goes all ballistic, and the Tom Cruise Scientology one...), I managed to pop out a SouthPark reference.

Of course, my son - being no dummy - said "Uh uh. What?" And I said again "Maybe the Underpants Gnomes put it there." He thought about that for a minute and said "What are Underpants Gnomes?" I said "Underpants Gnomes sneak into your room at night and try to steal your underwear." He didn't believe me, do I said "Hey Bart - Google "Underpants Gnomes" for me and show Chase I'm telling the truth." So then Chase got to watch the Underpants Gnomes, courtesy of YouTube. Step 1: Steal Underpants. Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit.

So I said "See - I TOLD you there was a such thing as the Underpants Gnomes." Sometimes being a parent can be really, really fun.

1 comment:

amy said...