Chase and I were downstairs, doing nothing of significance. I was sitting in the recliner, and asked him to come over and give me a hug. In his typical style, he "revved up", ran across the room, and leaped into my arms. I then started tickling him, basically by making my arm and hand into a dinosaur, and then having the Dino attack his belly. Chase has THE BEST LAUGH in the world. It's one of those rolling-from-the-belly laughs that is absolutely contagious. We played the tickling game - him laughing, and me cracking up at his laughing - for awhile. Then we did the "Peter Pan Flying" game (which I won't be able to do with his heavy 4-year old self much longer.) This is where I lay on my back on the floor, then he puts his tummy on my feet and I lift him into the air. The flying is OK, but with Chase, it's the big crash landing that that's the real fun. Then we did the Pony Ride game (again - the days of that game are numbered...)where he rides on my back. He tries to get me to go fast, and I try to get him to fall off.
The moral of all this is that for 20 minutes, it was just me and my goofy little boy laughing our heads off. No movies, no swimming pool, no expensive toys. Just us together having a good time. When he moved on I thought "Wow - I wish I could remember how fun that was forever." Like so many of our kid's moments, this one may slip away. But hopefully, because I put it in this blog, I can remember a time when it was just fun to be with my little boy, laughing together at nothing at all.
On a related note....I said I was never going to put my kid's pictures in here again (thanks Mr. Scary FBI Guy...), but I have to make an exception. This picture of Karlin was taken at a local place called Sweet N Sassy. Her Brownie Troop chose this as their end of the year party, and they all got to go & choose fancy dresses, get their make-up and nails done, and walk down the runway. Then they spend a bit of time dancing and singing all their favorite High School Musical and Hannah Montana songs at the top of their lungs. It may just be my opinion, but if pure JOY could be photographed, I think this is what it would look like:

1 comment:
wow, how is it possible I've gotten so behind on my life that I come here and there are THREE blogs I haven't read?
I think you're right about that photo! I'd give anything to feel as purely happy as she looks.
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